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An extradition treaty is a type of international agreement between two or more countries. This agreement regulates the extradition of people who have committed crimes from one country to another for the purpose of justice.…

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Effective repentance is a legal practice that offers people who have committed a crime the opportunity to obtain legal advantages such as mitigating sentence reductions or impunity if they cooperate with the crimes they have committed by reporting their crimes to the competent authorities.

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Expropriation is the process of transferring a privately owned immovable property into state ownership by a state or public institution. This process is generally carried out in the public interest or for public purposes. Expropriation process is the process of a country…

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UKOME (Transportation Coordination Center) is a center established to ensure coordination and make decisions regarding transportation and traffic regulations in Turkey. UKOME's duties include traffic management, public transport regulations, traffic safety and transportation…

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Suspension of execution, as a legal term, refers to a type of lawsuit filed for the purpose of temporarily stopping the execution of a decision or transaction. These types of cases are generally ongoing legal processes…

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