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The tenant's obligation to show the house is an important issue in the relationship between the owner of the rented real estate and the tenant. This obligation is usually shaped by local law and the rules and conditions specified in the lease agreement. When we examine the tenant's obligation to show the house in detail, we attach importance to the following issues. Lease Agreement and Local Law: The tenant's obligation to show the house depends first on the conditions specified in the lease agreement.

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The Istanbul Convention, officially known as the "Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence," was opened for signature in Istanbul on 11 May 2011 and entered into force on 1 August 2014. This convention is an international legal document adopted by the Council of Europe countries for the purpose of preventing and combating violence against women. Istanbul Convention, women…

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An extradition treaty is a type of international agreement between two or more countries. This agreement regulates the extradition of persons who have committed crimes from one country to another for the purpose of bringing their crimes to justice. Such agreements are used to prevent criminals from escaping and to ensure that crimes do not go unpunished. When we examine the concept of extradition in detail, we pay attention to the following points.

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Effective remorse is a legal concept that provides the opportunity to obtain legal advantages such as mitigating penalty reduction or impunity if the people who have committed crimes cooperate about the crimes they have committed by reporting their crimes to the competent authorities. Effective remorse aims to contribute to the clarification of crimes and the fight against crime by reducing the criminal responsibility of individuals who commit crimes. When we examine the concept of Active Regret in detail, we can see the following issues…

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Expropriation is the process of transferring a privately owned immovable property to state ownership by a state or public institution. This action is usually carried out in the public interest or for public purposes. The expropriation process is carried out according to the legal framework, laws and regulations of a country. When we examine the expropriation institution in detail, we pay attention to the following points: 1. Public Benefit and Objectives: The expropriation process is usually…

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The Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model is a business model in which infrastructure projects are financed, constructed, operated and maintained by transferring them to the private sector. In this model, private sector firms or consortia finance, build, and maintain an infrastructure project for a certain period of time. operates and then transfers the project to the public institution.The legal infrastructure of the BOT model, project financing, risk distribution, handover processes…

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UKOME (Transportation Coordination Center) is a center established to coordinate and take decisions on transportation and traffic regulations in Turkey. UKOME's mandates include traffic management, public transport regulations, traffic safety and setting transport policies. When we examine the concept of UKOME in detail, we note the following: 1. Establishment and Purpose: UKOME is the abbreviation of "Transport Coordination Center".

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A stay of execution lawsuit, as a legal term, refers to a type of lawsuit filed for the temporary stay of execution, that is, a decision or a transaction. Such litigation is usually used during the pending legal process, for a temporary period before the conclusions are reached. They are opened mainly to allow awaiting the execution of a legal act or decision. The concept of stay of execution in detail…

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