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Rent determination and adjustment cases are legal processes filed to resolve disputes between the tenant and the landlord over the rental fee. In these cases, issues such as the determination of the rental fee or whether the existing rent should be fulfilled are addressed. When we examine rent determination and adaptation cases in detail, we attach importance to the following issues:

  1. Rent Determination Cases: Rent determination cases aim to resolve disputes between the tenant and the landlord regarding the rental fee. These cases are usually filed when the tenant or landlord applies to the court to determine the current rental fee fairly.
  • Why It Opens: The tenant or landlord may feel that the current rent is unfair or unfair based on market conditions, regional standards, or the condition of the home. In such cases, a rent determination lawsuit can be filed to request the court to determine the rental price fairly.
  • Period: The tenant or landlord takes the rent determination case to court, following established procedures in accordance with local law. As a result of the case, the court may decide how much the rent should be.
  • Lease Adjustment Cases: Lease adaptation cases are filed in cases where the current rental price needs to be changed. Usually, such cases can be resorted to in order to appropriately adjust the rental fee depending on the conditions specified in the rental agreement or local law changes.
  • Why It Opens: The rental fee specified in the lease agreement may no longer be appropriate according to the terms stated in the agreement or local economic conditions. In this case, the tenant or landlord may apply to the court to redetermine or adjust the rental price.
  • Period: The tenant or landlord takes the lease adaptation case to court in accordance with the adaptation clauses in the lease agreement or local law amendments. The court can make a decision on how much the rent should be increased or decreased.

            Such rent determination and adaptation cases are concluded based on local laws, the lease agreement and the evidence. The tenant and the landlord must protect their rights and obligations by getting support from their lawyers or legal advisors in this process. The court makes a fair decision by evaluating the arguments and evidence of the parties.

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