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"Haksız tahrik", Türk Ceza Hukuku'nda bir savunma nedeni olarak kabul edilen bir kavramdır. Haksız tahrik durumu, bir kişinin normalde işlemeyeceği bir suçu işlemesine yol açan, aşırı duygusal bir tepki veya uyarandır. Bu kavram, failin işlediği suçun cezasının azaltılmasına veya hafifletilmesine neden olabilir.Haksız tahrik, genellikle bir kişinin bir suç karşısında makul bir tepki vermesini zorlaştıran…

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According to the Labor Law No. 4857, severance pay is a type of compensation that workers receive when they leave their job or retire if they meet certain conditions. If we briefly touch upon the conditions required to receive severance pay and the place and importance of severance pay in our legal system; Conditions of Severance Pay: Working Period: The employee's right to severance pay is granted if he/she has worked for the same employer for at least 1 year.

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Precautionary seizure is the precautionary seizure of a debtor's assets or rights by a creditor in order to secure his receivables. This process is used to secure the creditor's receivables and to prevent the debtor from transferring or disposing of his property or rights to others. Precautionary lien requires a court decision and the creditor's receivables must be determined by the court decision. The provisional lien institution in detail…

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A trustee is a person or organization whose property or belongings are temporarily held in trust in the event of a dispute or legal dispute. It is a concept generally used when property needs to be kept safe or stored during a legal case. The trustee ensures that the property is protected fairly between the parties and preserved until the legal process is concluded. Explain the concept of trustee in detail…

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An action for annulment of savings is a legal case filed to question the legality of this transaction if a person or organization loses or decreases its assets as a result of a legal transaction. This type of lawsuit is usually brought about transactions that reduce the value of assets or make it difficult for a person to fulfill his debts. When we examine the cancellation of savings case in detail, the following points are important...

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Concordat is a legal and financial process in which a debtor applies to the court to restructure debts and rearrange payment conditions in cases where he has difficulty paying as a result of his financial situation deteriorating. It is a mechanism that allows businesses or individuals to reach an agreement to pay their debts without going bankrupt. When we examine the institution of concordat in detail, we attach importance to the following issues: Why Apply for Concordat? Concordat…

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Consensual divorce is a type of divorce in which couples apply to the court by agreement to end their marriage. This type of divorce aims to end the relationship between couples more peacefully rather than through a hostile legal process. When we examine the consensual divorce case in detail, we attach importance to the following points: Agreement: Couples must agree on the basic issues to end their marriage. These issues…

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A restraining order is a court decision that orders a person or persons to be kept away from a certain area or near another person for a certain period of time. These types of decisions are often used in situations such as physical or psychological danger, unwanted relationships, or violent situations. A restraining order aims to provide protection by prohibiting a person from approaching another person or persons. Removal…

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A paternity rejection case is a legal process filed to reject the legal relationship regarding a person's acceptance as the biological father or mother. This lawsuit is used as a legal remedy that can be applied by a party who does not want their biological lineage to be legally recognized or who has doubts about their lineage. The denial of paternity case is a complex process involving legal, emotional and personal factors. Of family lineage…

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A covenant to vacate refers to provisions under which a tenant agrees to vacate the property at the end of a certain period of the lease or under certain conditions. This type of commitment means that the tenant accepts in advance the obligation to vacate the property and may face legal consequences if they fail to comply. The commitment to evacuate is determined by the terms of the lease or local laws. Evacuation commitment…

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Rent determination and adaptation cases are legal processes filed to resolve disputes between the tenant and the landlord over the rental fee. In these cases, issues such as the determination of the rental fee or whether the existing rent should be fulfilled are addressed. When we examine rent determination and adaptation cases in detail, we attach importance to the following issues: Rent Determination Cases: Rent determination cases,…

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Product lease is an agreement by a person or business to rent the right to use someone else's item (product) for a certain period of time. These types of rental agreements are often used in cases of temporary rental of equipment, vehicles, machinery, technology or other physical products. When we examine the concept of product lease in detail, we attach importance to the following issues. Why Rent a Product? Product rent,…

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