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The Istanbul Convention, officially known as the “Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence,” was opened for signature in Istanbul on 11 May 2011 and entered into force on 1 August 2014. This convention is an international legal document adopted by the Council of Europe countries for the purpose of preventing and combating violence against women. The Istanbul Convention provides a comprehensive framework covering all forms of violence against women and aims to eliminate gender-based violence.

Legal Context: The Istanbul Convention considers violence against women as a result of gender-based discrimination and emphasizes that violence against women is a violation of human rights. This convention determines the legal, administrative and preventive measures that member states must take to prevent gender-based violence, protect victims and end such violence.

Basic Principles and Goals: The basic principles and objectives of the Istanbul Convention are as follows:

  • Preventing Violence Against Women: The Convention aims to prevent and prevent violence against women.
  • Protection of Victims: The Convention includes judicial and administrative measures to ensure the protection of victims of violence.
  • Preventing Impunity: It is aimed that gender-based violence does not go unpunished and the criminals are brought to justice.
  • Victim Support Services: It provides for the provision of support services and protection measures for victims.
  • Education and Awareness: The Convention includes educational and information measures to prevent gender-based violence and raise awareness in society.

Criticisms and Comments: Although the Istanbul Convention is seen as a critical tool for preventing violence against women, it has caused criticism in some countries and circles. Criticisms may arise from the fact that the agreement conflicts with “family values” or that it deals with the concepts of gender and sexual orientation. As a result of these criticisms, some countries decided to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention or suspend its implementation.

In the Turkish Context: Turkey signed the Istanbul Convention and signed it in 2011. However, there are different opinions in Turkey on the content of the contract and its method of implementation. In 2021, Türkiye announced its withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention. This decision caused domestic political and social debates and led to reactions at the international level.

            The Istanbul Convention is an important international document that aims to prevent violence against women and eliminate gender-based violence. However, the content of the contract and its implementation processes may differ from country to country and may lead to social debates.

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